COLUMBUS trial – 7 years data – Optimizing treatment outcomes for patients with BRAF mutant melanoma

Under dette møtet diskuterte eksperter siste nytt innen behandling av BRAF-mutant melanom.


Professor Reinhard Dummer is Professor of the University of Zürich and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Dermatology in the University Hospital of Zürich, Switzerland and is a key thought leader in worldwide cutaneous oncology. Currently he is heading of the Skin Cancer Unit and the Clinical Trial Unit of the Department of Dermatology.Professor Dummer began his medical education in haematology and oncology before successfully completing his dermatology residency in Würzburg, Germany, and Zürich in 1992.

He is Board Certified in allergology, clinical immunology, dermatology and dermatopathology.

Professor Dummer’s principal research interests are molecular biology, immunology and immunotherapy of cutaneous malignancies, including cutaneous lymphomas and melanomas. He has published approximately 1000 papers with a cumulative impact factor of more than 7199.039. He was past-president of the Melanoma Project Group of the Swiss Institute for Applied Cancer Research, 1999-2016. He is a member of the German National Academy of Sciences (Leopoldina) and is a past board member of the Society for Melanoma Research and past President of the International Society for Cutaneous Lymphomas.

He is a founding and board member of the European Association of Dermato-Oncology (EADO), ESMO, EATI, URPP and past President of the European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR).

Professor Dummer has been a member of the ESMO Open Editorial Board since 2016, and of the Cancer Research ESMO Faculty Group.



Welcome and Introduction

MD PhD Henrik Jespersen
Oslo University hospital

NO–01-24-2400006 feb 2024

Sequencing with IO and side effect management

Chief physician Mattias Røed Undlien
Akershus Universitetssykehus

NO–01-24-2400008 feb 2024

Clinical evidence for targeted therapy

Professor Reinhard Dummer
University hospital Zûrich

NO–03-24-2400001 feb 2024

Biomarkers in melanoma

Professor Reinhard Dummer
University hospital Zûrich

NO–01-24-2400009 feb 2024



New insights on neoadjuvant and adjuvant treatment in Melanoma

Professor Reinhard Dummer
University hospital Zûrich

NO–02-24-2400010 mars 2024

Neoadjuvant treatment challenges for the pathologist

Associate professor Susanna Juteau
Helsinki University Hospital

FI–02-24-2400003 mars 2024

Neoadjuvant treatment challenges for the surgeon

Plastic surgeon Mikko Vuoristo
Helsinki University Hospital

FI–02-24-2400004 mars 2024

Surgical removal of melanoma metastases

Plastic surgeon Mikko Vuoristo
Helsinki University Hospital

FI–02-24-2400006 mars 2024

Clinical evidense for targeted therapy in metastatic melanoma

Professor Reinhard Dummer
University hospital Zûrich

NO–03-24-2400002 mars 2024

Ascierto et al. J Clin Oncol. 2023 Oct 10;41(29):4621-4631
Dummer et al. J Clin Oncol. 2022 Dec 20;40(36):4178-4188

Prof. Dummer in Gothenburg

In January 2023, Pierre Fabre arranged a national symposium in Gothenburg, Sweden, focusing on the latest insights into the treatment of BRAF-mutant melanoma. The symposium, moderated by Professor Lars Ny, gathered oncologists, surgeons and pathologists involved in diagnosing and treating...

Expert highlights from the 2023 Nordic Melanoma Meeting

The Nordic melanoma meeting was held October 11–13 in Reykjavik and brought together Nordic and international clinicians and researchers. Pierre Fabre’s oncology team was on site and caught up with Professor Roger Olofsson Bagge and Professor Lars Ny to discuss...

Mer innen melanom


Sveriges ledende leger innen diagnosen Malignt Melanom gir seks forskjellige presentasjoner hvor hver taler deltar for å svare på spørsmål.

Oppdatert: 17 mai, 2024
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